The Most Effective and Non-Violent Way to Deal with All 'Haters'
Several years ago, I wrote an article about hate groups - I specifically discussed the Klu Klux Klan, Neo-Nazi's, and Ultra-Right White Supremacist Militias. When you talk with members and leaders of these groups, they all have reasons for the things they say and do. Every action. Every printed word. Every spoken line has a reason. No matter how illogical, shocking, and or violent, there is always a reason - in their minds. I do not understand how one can become so twisted with hate and embrace the many historical atrocities we have witnessed - near and far.
Over the years, I have seen and studied violent protests. I have listened to hate-filled speeches from all of these groups. As a student, I studied their manifestos. And I am convinced I have the most effective and non-violent way to deal with these groups. Yet, it is probably the most difficult, of any, to embrace. When groups protest and march for a cause, they want attention.They want media coverage, They are fueled by counter-protesters. These hate groups welcome physical confrontation, often attempting to play the role of the victim, "We were peacefully protesting, exercising our First Amendment Rights by wearing our robes, carrying our flags, chanting racial insults, proudly showing our salutes, and what happened - we were verbally attacked and physically assaulted by ethnic and racial inferiors."
We have seen and heard this way too many times. It is time we put a stop to the 'Haters.' I said earlier, I have the most effective and non-violent way to deal with hate groups who march and protect. Here it is:
(photo by millerneutron Inserts added)
Give them empty streets. Difficult, but not impossible. Do not give them what they thrive upon - ATTENTION! When the next hate march or protest is held in your town, do not line the streets. Do not organize counter-protests. Do not hang out windows or stand in the doorways. Do not succumb to curiosity. Make your statement against hate by re-creating this picture. Let their message fall on empty sidewalks. No front page newspaper stories. No YouTube videos.
Give them their stage, but no audience. Let them spew their beliefs to emptiness. Many of you will say, "Impossible. Impractical. Mike, you are a dreamer, not in reality." Perhaps I am a dreamer, but I do believe in what John Lennon sang in his song "Imagine:" Imagine all the people living life in peace. You may say I'm a dreamer. But I'm not the only one. I hope some day you'll join us. And the world will be as one."
I have been laughed at before, and no doubt, laughed at again for many of my out-of-the-box ideas and solution, but I will never be deterred from seeking resolutions to problems, near and far.
In the long term, I truly believe this is "The most effective and non-violent way to deal with all haters."
And that's the way I see it on this August 16.
This is Michael saying, "It's worth a try."