Mr. Trump’s Wall Will Not Work!

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Why Mr. Trump's Wall Will Not Work

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This is Part 2 of a three part series regarding immigration in the United States. Part 1 was a story I wrote ten years ago (Sent them back! They're' illegal) It calls for a reality check. Part 2 is an historical explanation why Mr Trump's "proposed wall" will NOT work.

Let us take a look at some historical walls: The Great Wall of China; Built 2,300 years ago and extends slightly over 5,500 miles, although not a continuous wall. It was built to protect the Chinese states against raids and invasions of various nomadic groups from Eurasia. Although moderately successful, it was continuously breached my "barbarians" from the West. They went over, around, and through the wall. Actually, many of the so-called successes of the wall was because of the superior numbers and the ferocity of the Chinese forces - in the beginning. However, over time, the wall and the Chinese forces were unable to prevent the westward migration from Eurasia. It failed to accomplish its goal. One argument I found interesting was that many historians found the wall was "nothing more than an ambitious project contrived by a vainglorious emperor."  Interesting.


A second failed wall - The Berlin Wall, (cover pic with my insert). It was built in 1961 and finally fell in 1989. Its purpose was to keep East Germans from crossing into the "free" (West) section of Berlin. During the wall's 28-year history 'reportedly' close to 5,000 people attempted to escape from the East to West. Many died trying, reportedly 136 with the figure as high as 200, by some sources. Many were shot by the East German border guards. 

Despite the dangers, people went under (tunnels), over, and through the wall (running check points). Some swam rivers .A few, leaping from apartment windows. Once, In a hot air balloon. Occasionally, through sewers. And, one man attempted to escape using a 'zip-line.' 

Point: No matter how  high. How guarded, Regardless of life-risk. People went under, over, through, and around the Berlin Wall -using limited resources. People were willing to sacrifice their lives to seek a better life.       (                         (

 It did not keep people from escaping. It just made it dangerous.There are many other examples of failed walls: Britain's Hadrian Wall in the 2nd century A.D., Spain's Ceuta and Melilla walls, the wall between Zimbabwe and South Africa, the Belfast Peace Walls in Northern Ireland...and many more. They all failed - eventually.

However, I want to briefly explain why Mr. Trump's wall WILL fail. Too expensive and a waste of resources. Spanning 2,000 miles, the initial cost was $12-15 billion.. Current estimates puts the wall closer to, if not above,$ 22 billion..

Where will the money come from? Mexico is not going to pay for the wall. And, sanctions against Mexico would immediately hurt the U.S, economy. Our financial ties are too deep. That leaves the U. S. taxpayers. $22 billion for a wall that will fail. Building it would be a complete folly and would further jeopardize our increasing national debt. Job training (not wall jobs) and job re-training, education, healthcare, infrastructure, and transportation upgrades would be much better choices - for $22 billion.

I am convinced that Congress, with realistic minds, would never allocate $22 billion for something that was simply a "rally point" for many and polarizing for many. 

Even if the wall did prevent illegal immigration, it would cripple, as we know it today, the U. S. agricultural industry. Most (to almost all) American citizens would not toil in our agricultural fields the way Mexican, Central and South American immigrants now toil. The work is too hard and the pay too little. But they (immigrants) are happy to have a job. Go back and read Part 1 of my immigration series. I have first-hand knowledge on this topic. Too many Americans have learned to work the system, so they do not have to work.

One possible solution, other than a wall: Work with the Mexican government to improve their economy. Immigrants come, legally and illegally, to the U.S. for a better life. If life was good (or improving) at home, they would not sell everything they own and risk their lives crossing dangerous unforgiving deserts.

Another wall alternative: Alter, not repeal,  the Posse Comitatus Act, a federal law signed in 1878 which limits the powers of the federal government in using federal military personnel to enforce domestic policies within the United States. Simply stated, this federal law prohibits the military from enforcing civilian law.  My proposal is to alter this law, to allow the military to  enforce border laws between Mexico and the United States, specifically targeting illegal immigration and drug smuggling.

By changing the law, the military would be ale to use their vast surveillance resources against illegal drug and immigrant smugglers. Also, this enforcement would provide relatively low-risk training opportunities, simulating larger combat requirements.  Much of the U.S.- Mexico border is remote desert. Of course, the success of this operation would depend upon the full cooperation and coordination among the U.S. Military forces, state , and local authorities, and private land owners. The military would lead, supported by Border Agents, state and local law enforcement. One key: respect the property rights of landowners. And the landowners must realize the military must act, with or without permission. Very "touchy issues," but it could work.

Done right, it would be effective and certainly would not cost $22 billion. We already have the resources. They just need reallocation and proper execution. 

Finally, even if Trump's Wall was built,  it WILL fail and we would lose $22 billion. Remember this: Unlike the examples I gave earlier, the drug cartels and smugglers have unlimited resources. They will find a way to go under, through, around or over any potential wall - as long as breaching is profitable.

There you have it. My two-fold plan: Better cooperation and allocation of resources with the Mexican government and changing the Posse Comitatus Act.

Next week,  I will present my reasons why Mr. Trump's current immigration ban(s) will also fail and offering some realistic solutions.  I do not have all the answers. But, I do care, study, and research... before I speak. 

And that's the way I see it. Until next time,




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