Every Day…We Grow & Change

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Every Day We Grow & Change
We are not the same today as yesterday and we will not be the same person tomorrow as today.

This was the poster I created for a talk I presented to the students of Lewis County High School. Lewis County High School is in the north-central part of West Virginia, my home state. I took the picture from my year book and added "Voted Least Likely to Become an Author." There was good reason for this alteration: In high school my focus was on sports & my social life
But over the years things changed. I changed.  I married a wonderful, very tolerant woman (Sandra). She helped guide me and keep me "within the white lines," most of the time. We have had a wonderful life together and both had successful careers in education. However, the years changed us... life has changed us. 
Some of my closest friends in high school are now doctors, lawyers, ministers, teachers, artists, chefs, automobile technicians, social workers, and .......in my case, after a 32-year career in education, an author. Who would have ever guessed. Yet I look at a few of my classmates and think," I never knew she was interested in art. He was the last person I ever thought would become a minster. I thought he would become astronomer, but he became an ophthalmologist. She could have become anything she wanted, yet she chose to become a teacher - and the world is a better place."
In a few months I will, God willing, attend my 50th high school reunion. I am so looking forward to being 17 again, if only for one  weekend. We are on the downside of 60, yet we will be able to have the opportunity to fill the hours with "remember when," dance to music which shaped our youth, and embrace who we have become - even if no one ever thought it possible.

For every day, we... Grow & Change

We are not the same "Today as Yesterday"







When we meet, I will see you as you were,..but I will embrace who you have become.
Until next time,
