Walking the Halls of Memories

Thomas Wolfe - You can go back!

Earlier this month I had the rare opportunity to return to my high School (Washington Irving), now Washington Irving Middle School, to speak with some classes about writing, editing, and publishing. To understand the full impact of my visit (on me), I encourage you to go to The Clarksburg Post  http://clarksburgpost.com and read my story "Looking Back at Today." Then, on the upper right hand of this page, click on "WI Then and Now." Only then will you realize how important the day was and how indebted I am to my hosts, Librarian Pat Joyce and Principal Susan Ferrell.








When I accepted Pat's invitation, I had no idea the day would evolve into a full-length featured  story in The Clarksburg Post, complemented with a 28-slide musical slide show about the experience and my memories.
There was so much I had to leave out of the published version because of space. Let me share a few additional "re-memories:" We actually had a designated smoking area. It was the alley behind the school. Unlike today, no one smoked in the restrooms. All the smokers had to do was run out in the alley between classes or at lunch to smoke. Even the principal was there and a few male teachers. No females, at least I do not remember any, would use the smoking area. One bad side-effect was smoke coming into the classrooms on the back-side of the building. Especially in Mrs Nutter's class. She would "fling open" the windows in the dead of Winter. No one said a word. Fear!










The picture to the left is the entrance to the Library on the right side of the building (third floor) . For the graduates, this was the entrance from the Boy's Study Hall. Try to imagine a room to the right of these steps with over 200 old wooden desks bolted to the floor. Many disgusting, but funny (then )"things" happened in this study hall and even some studying took place.The picture to the right "was" the girl's gym, now the Industrial Arts department.











For the guys (left picture), this was the boy's locker room, now the band room, with the pool located opposite this row of lockers. The doorway straight ahead led to the gym, now the ISS room. My-oh-my, how times have changed (right picture). For those of us who took Chemistry, this was my Traugh's room - still a science room.  Remember the science tables in the back of the room - still there only more modern. One exciting memory from chemistry. One girl spilled acid on her dress and Mr. Traugh threw a bucket of water on her to neutralize the acid. That was the way it was - in 1967. She was fine, but it was the closest we ever got to a modern day "wet t-shirt" contest. She was embarrassed. We stared, then quickly looked away. He covered her with a blanket and took her somewhere. We had no clinic at the time, probably took her to the office.












Friends. Classmates. Teammates.   Many of us were mates, going back to first grade






As I walked the halls of the WI that "Is," I thought how interesting it would be to talk with the architect who made all the renovations. The creativity. The "Out of the box"  thinking. What minds. So much has been added or changed. At times, it was a bit difficult to remember the WI that "Was."  But I thank God every day that I can remember.
My story in The Post, the video on this website, and this post are about much more that gong back to high school. They were about living life. A life which at times brought me great joy, some sadness, and many lessons. Lessons I carry with me everyday. I hope you think about "going back." If not to high school, to your own special place. A personal trip..."Looking Back at Today."
Until next time, Happy Trails,