posted in: Michael 0

Raw - Shooters - Fried


Welcome to my third segment on oysters. The original article was published in The Clarksburg Post http://clarkbsurgpost.com titled "He Was a Brave Man Who First Ate an Oyster." So the three parts in my blog come together, I would suggest reading The Post story first. 



Probably, my all-time favorite way to eat oysters is "raw" right out of the shell.  From Rappahannock Oyster Company I order their "Old Salt" oysters which actually come from the ocean, not the bay or river-tributaries. They have that delectable ocean salt taste.
I shuck my own and immediately slide them from the bottom shell to my mouth. Amazing !






Pics courtesy of Rappahannock Oyster Company









There are many different recipes. This is one I have developed that suits me: Short skinny glass. Well drained oyster in the bottom. Add a healthy (to taste) amount of Gray Goose Vodka. Dab of (homemade cocktail sauce). Add a squirt of hot sauce (or not) to taste.Add garnish if  desired and suck the lemon after swallowing. Eating the garnish will probably be automatic after the second one.
THROW IT DOWN ALL AT ONCE. Chewing optional.  This is not a sipper!










Sandra's grandmother's recipe by way of Biloxi, Mississippi
You will need about two dozen fresh oysters: From the jar or from the shell; Regardless, drain well and place on a paper towel after draining. Put a little vegetable oil in the bottom of your skillet. Have an egg beat up. Have a healthy amount of cracker crumbs in a bowl. Have a wire rack handy with paper towel under it (by the skillet). Here's the process; Dip the oyster in the egg, Roll in crumbs. Place on rack. Salt & pepper to taste. Do this for each oyster until all are on the rack
With the oil pretty hot, quickly put the oysters in the skillet. Be careful...splatters hurt. Only fry until golden brown on each side. Turn carefully so you don't remove the meal. Only takes a few seconds on each side. Center of oyster should be a bit moist.
You can use cocktail sauce but I prefer to make my own: No horseradish. A little ketchup. Dash of Worcestershire. AND a healthy amount of my base "secret sauce." I use this for my fried shrimp also. Gives the seafood an entirely different taste. I enjoy the traditional cocktail sauce but every once in a while, change is good. Wakes up the palate. If you are truly interested in the sauce, I will share. Contact me at mlambiotte@ frontier.com.
That, my oyster loving friends is about it. I hope you have enjoyed my articles about the Rappahannock Oyster Company, the reason(s) I have such an enjoyment for oysters, and I hope you will try a few of the recipes. For the rookie or reluctant curious oyster eaters, I might suggest the fried oysters first. Or, have two or three shooters first. After that, it won't make any difference.
Hope you will take  time to view our Christmas home tour.
Until then,
