The Bakery is Now Closed

posted in: Michael 0


  Hello World !

Sandra's Bakery is Now Closed for the Holidays

And I am one happy boy...a few more pounds of "boy," but happy !



It all began with her Fruit Cakes which she drizzles with some type of French brandy - brandy I cannot pronounce.

Next phase  - "Cookies Galore"
My apologes for not including pictures. I was too busy eating her creations which were not up to photo quality.
My favorites, which she made plenty:
Traditional Sugar Cookies
English Toffee Cookies
Neiman Marcus Cookies
Third Phase was "Fudge"
My mother's Chocolate Fudge
Her mother's Peanut Butter Fudge
Special Category - Peanut Butter Blossoms
One was so badly deformed, I had to immediately remove it from the cooling rack - while it was still warm!

Fourth  Phase was Christmas Stolen
Sandra's "should be" patented stolen. Never seen or tasted any other like it.
Here are the stages:
After mixing up and doing whatever else Sandra does with it, she rolls it out.
Next, she forms it into a "ringy-twist."
She then takes a pair of "clean" scissors and cuts the stolen (outside in) about 1/2 /way through, but not all the way to the center.
Next step: Insert the candied cherries.
Then it goes into the oven.
Personally, I like mine with a little butter after it is removed from the oven. The next day, I warm mine for 15 secs. in the microwave.



In the spirit of the holidays, Sandra "made" me share the stolen with some special people.
The fruit cakes: We freeze one to enjoy at the beginning of the holidays next year - before the bakery is officially opened.
The cookies and fudge - never least Sandra thinks some is never frozen.


                                                                                                                     Sandra's Bakery...There may be bigger ones around - but never better !

You can't put a price on adding the most important ingredient - LOVE.


Signing off for now...must show her how much I appreciate the little things she does.

