Y-4-3-B Part II – The Non Diet

posted in: Michael 1

More About     Y-4-3-B  The Non-Diet


If you have not read Part 1 of Y-4-3-B, you need to stop, go to http://clarksburgpost.com/Columns and read my original article.  Without reading the original, this may seem a bit disjointed to say the least.
Y-3-4-B is not a diet. It is a lifestyle change that requires a full commitment. Little sacrifice. Not much exercise. AND..it works !
That being said, I am proof my plan will work. I went from 242 pounds to 220 pounds and did not give up anything I enjoyed eating. My plan will work for individuals, families, and larger groups. That is why I am offering to speak with anyone who wants to live a healthier lifestyle.
For various reasons, most diets will fail because they are not realistic,affordable, demand too much time, too extreme, or a combination of these. So, in Part II of Y-4-3-B, I want to share some additional background, hints for success,  and words of encouragement. For, as I said in Part I and will continue to emphasize in Part II, "It Works and It is Sustainable."
Here is a "thumbnail sketch:" You do a little yoga. Give up potatoes, rice, bread, pasta and any other high carb food (over 20g) for four days. East what you want in small (1/2 previous) portions for three days. Cut alcohol consumption in half. Use sugar substitutes. Work out with a stability ball for core strength and balance. Regarding exercise: The yoga and stability ball count. I play golf. You can walk or do house work/yard work with a purpose. Normal everyday exercise.
Moving on to the specifics: Do not make any move without first consulting  your doctor.
Taking a picture of "You Now" and place copies strategically around the house. This will help. Place copies in the fridge. In the freezer by the ice cream. In your snack cabinet. For the truly brave, try a picture with as few clothes as possible. Shock value can also help ward off the "munchies." But, guard the revealing pictures - for your eyes only.
On the "Y" Yoga aspect: If you are not familiar with the safety issues and various techniques surrounding Yoga, take a class. It is a wonderful tool  and a pathway to a better life. But, you have to do it right. Once you have the basics. Find a plan that works for your interests. Mine was golf and generally being more flexible for daily life.  I found Yoga exercises specifically developed for golfers. If you are a gardener. If you enjoy biking. Like walking the mall. There is a yoga program out there for you.There are programs available which target your interests and your overall well-being. I chose a program created for golf. Also, I enjoy driving my vintage roadster. Now, I can actually get in it and not put it on.
On the 4:  First and foremost, I enjoy eating Italian and French food. However, giving up pasta, bread, rice, and potatoes for four days is not really that difficult. It's not easy, but not difficult. You will understand why when you read # 3 But, I must admit, living and growing up in a predominately Italian city...it is a challenge. Especially a challenge since I truly enjoy everything Italian. Especially Sicilian dishes.  With that under consideration, high crab foods turn into big pounds because they change into sugars and sugars to fat and that is what you want to eliminate. At least for four days. Add some fresh veggies and more salad. But not the creamy dressings. You are better off making your own.
Remember to cut the alcohol in half. Use artificial sweeteners. Eat more salads, but careful using the creamy dressings - lots of carbs. Keep plenty of water, even flavored water around. Keep the stomach filled. Read the labels on the flavored water. No sweet water. Some have as much as 45 gm's of carbs. Personally I like lime flavors and lean to Perrier-Lime. Or, you can use Perrier spinoffs.
You must be serious about "almost" totally ditching the fast food habit. Most of the food is convenient arterial 'cloggers' and a cardiologist's job security blanket. If you must -  only once per month.
On the 3: Here is your reprieve. On Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, eat what you like but cut the amounts in half. I really enjoy Pizza, hotdogs, and French fries. I now eat 2 slices, 2 dogs, and small fries. I would suggest making your own.That way, you can regulate the ingredients and how they are fixed. I made a mistake once and bought a frozen pizza, without looking at the ingredients. It had 1450 mg of sodium. Later that evening and throughout the night I drank enough water to fill a child's swimming pool. Never again. I am usually a committed label reader.
Eat slow. Talk less. Focus on what is in your mouth and how it excites your palate. I am far from a gourmet cook or an expert in identifying flavors,  but I have learned to enjoy my meals. Too many times I have had a wonderful plate of food in front of me. Then time and intense conversation stepped in and the next thing I saw was an empty plate. If you do not have time or the discipline to enjoy what you are eating, you might as well put everything in a blender. Whizz it. Gulp in down. Move on. 
In summary of 3: Eat what you want those three days but not a piece of pie each night. Eat earlier in the evening so you can go for a walk or some other passive exercise. Sweating and grunting are not part of my plan.
On the B: I found  working with a large stability ball was what  I needed to strengthen my core. I wanted stronger abdominal and back muscles. My reasons were two-fold: A stronger core would help my golf game and give my back more stability. For years I have suffered from chronic back issues: The result of a boy-stupid youth, athletic injuries when I was younger, and back surgery to correct the problems. Bottom line: My back is very temperamental. And, exercising with a stability ball has removed some of the soreness and tenderness. Also, a stability ball has helped my balance. Inside I am still 20 but outside I am 67. Falling at 20 - you bounce. Falling at 67 - you go splat. With group discussions I give many additional hints regarding balance.
However, like yoga, if you have never worked with a stability ball, take a class. Like any activity, there is a right and a wrong way. A stability ball is great for core strength and balance but if done improperly, you could injure, or at the least embarrass yourself by rolling or falling in unflattering ways.
Regarding taking a class: Contact your local YMCA, reputable health club, or individual instructor. Ask for recommendations, check credentials and certifications. Ask for a trial period - 3 or four lessons. Once you have the basics, you can do them at home, although some seek the camaraderie of groups. Just do what works.
Some things to remember: This is a slow process. You will lose weight during Phase 4 and you will gain a little during Phase 3. Like me, I lost 3-5 and gained 1-2. That's OK. Enjoy your life. Even during the holidays, a little cheating is permissible. Sandra loves to bake and I love to eat. Enjoy the fruitcake, fudge, cookies - in moderation. You might even break even during Phase 4 and 3 during the holidays. Accept that as a little treat to yourself. January 1 is not far off and you can regain the momentum in the New Year. Remember, "Slow is the way to go."
You will love yourself and your efforts when you can once again wear clothes, belts, shirts, underwear and other items that have been tucked away too long. When you put on those jeans that were a struggle  in the past...now they fit properly. When you receive a compliment from a close, or not so close friend...say, "Thank you."  You will smile inside and out. In those periods of weakness, look at that "fat" picture.
Not only will you look better. You will feel better. And your blood work will reflect that you are healthier inside and out.
To my friends and followers, that is the basics. If you have an interest and want to learn more, contact me at [email protected]. I am available to speak with small or large groups. I have so much more I can share regarding nutrition, exercise, little 'tricks' and helpful hints that will lead you to your goal. You can also follow or message me on Facebook...Michael Lambiotte and on Twitter    mslamb45
Enjoy the remaining holidays with family and friends and make plans to execute Y-4-3-B on January 1..."Just for the health of it."
Its works and it is sustainable,
Until next time,





























Y-4-3 B - The Non diet
It works - for the short and long hall.
Here I am at 242 pounds before starting Y-4-3-B


This was not an overnight split-second plan. It look months of planning and organizing. Importunately, I understood the nutritional aspects and had previous experience in yoga and working with stability balls. It made the process a little easier.
Four-5 days a week I do:


Four days a week I eliminate the Bad Four: Pasta, Bread, Potatoes, and Rice


Three days a week I eat what I like...only 1/2 as much... and not every day.


Four or five days a week I work with a stability ball.


After a few months I dropped 22 pounds. Here I am at 220 pounds. Eight more to go to reach my old high school weight. The holidays may make a few dents in my plan but that is OK. I do love life. 


Y-4-3-B    The Non-Diet.... that can become a realistic and sustainable lifestyle. Contact me. I can help.

  1. Becky Rogers

    Mike, it sure is working for you. You look great!