Rising From The Ashes – Part II

posted in: Michael 4
Before you read this, I suggest you go to http:/Clarksburgpost.com and read "Rising From the Ashes. " I write a bi-monthly column for The Clarksburg Post, published on the first and third Monday of each month. My "usual topics are not taken from mainstream  headlines. However, for this column, I made an exception. The topic was just too important to sidestep.
In my entire adult life, I have never experienced anything like what is going on in this presidential election. Tabloid news is taking center stage, while policy plans are still waiting in the wings. Both candidates are outright lying or stating untruths. I used to call Donald Trump "Teflon Don", a spin off of the media name for the former Mafia boss John Gotti.  Nothing seemed to stick to either until the end was upon them.  On Teflon Don: Until a few weeks ago, he could say anything, attack anyone, and his supporters would say, Oh, that's just Trump being Trump." However, his recent exploits with numerous women - the accusations are sticking. I fear his temperament.  Being the President of the United States, the most powerful country in the world, requires a certain personality and temperament. I do not feel comfortable with Trump's temperament.  His bully - business tactics will not work on the international political stage. I cannot imagine the consequences if he goes off on Kim Jong-Un, the youthful unstable leader of North Korea. His business history also bothers me. Many do not know his businesses declared bankruptcy four times in the last several years.  A man who says he can rebuild America has declared bankruptcy four times.  He refuses to release his taxes. There is an obvious reason and under federal audit is not a reason to withhold.  What is he hiding - foreign business connections, contributions, taxes paid or not, or serious investigations by the IRS?
On many occasions Trump has pointed out the mis-steps of Bill Clinton, yet he is on his third marriage and bragged about his infidelities during the first two. Now he is married to Melania, who just might become our next First Lady. A friend sent me a poster she created that included pictures of past First Ladies (Jackie Kennedy, Laura Bush, Barbara Bush, Rosalyn Carter, Nancy Reagan,  and Melania Trump - the picture of Melania is the one where she and another woman are naked, posed in a sexually explicit picture- taken when Melania was modeling.  Despite my friends encouragement, I would not publish the poster. However, the image will be there in my mind. . And, that bothers me. It bothers me for the image of our First Lady and the very important role she, or if Hillary Clinton wins,  Bill - as First Gentleman.
The presidency of the United States is not a reality show. In the back of my mind  I keep seeing and hearing Trump in the role played by Robert Redford in The Candidate. After the candidate wins he is standing on stage and says,  "What do we do now." 
On the other side of the stage is Hillary Clinton. If you look just at credentials, there is no question she is the most qualified candidate ever to run for the office.  Remove the tragedy of Benghazi and the continuing email issues and she wins - no question. But, we cannot remove these two issues. Benghazi was a tragedy and only the top officials in the State Department and the White House know the real truth. And, we as the public will never know. However, Clinton was the "Captain of the ship" and must shoulder the responsibility. Yes, it could have been prevented. But, "hind sight is always 20 - 20."  Every president has had an  albatross around his neck: Kennedy -Bay of Pigs, Johnson - Vietnam, Nixon - Watergate, Carter - failed Iran rescue mission, Bush (both) -  Irag, Bill Clinton - Monica Lewinsky.  It seems like tragedy and scandal comes with the territory.  The main difference between years ago and today - the press did not report on scandalous activity. Now, the press revels in scandal.
Benghazi was a preventable tragedy. No one can deny that. But at what price. We must always ask ourselves that - over and over. Clinton's use of a private server , in my eyes, ranks side-by-side with Nixon taping conversations in the Oval Office. Neither should have taken pace. Nixon was paranoid. Clinton careless to an extreme.  The real reason for Clinton's server choice will never be accepted   by the general public. What bothers me more than the creation of the server is how careless she and top officials were with issues surrounding our national security.  We tell our children to always be careful about what you put "out there." Yet, our most trusted leaders in the State Department 'may have' placed classified or at least sensitive information in the laps of those vowing to destroy us - overseas and within.    Thus, I ask myself, "As President, how will she prevent this from ever happening again?" We will never know the Benghazi or email  truths. Just as we will never know the truth about Trump's alleged groping of over a dozen women and why he will not reveal his taxes. Yet one of these people will become President of the United states - with all their flaws and attributes. Yes, as I said in my Post column, each has many attributes
Donald Trump: He scares me for what I know about his personality, the way he treats those around him, his lack of empathy for the middle class, his constant rants and off-script comments, and his narcissistic approach to life. What scares me the most is what I do not know.
Hillary Clinton: She scares me because of her careless actions and the perception she will not be a strong military leader. Military actin should always be the final solution - not a "knee-jerk" reaction. She scares me because she has had my trust and treated it with disdain.
Both are liars. One will be President.
You can look at social media and receive giant doses of  candidate attributes and flaws.  Another reason I cannot wait until the election has been decided. Some of my friends who are committed Clinton or Trump followers - I understand why.  I look at their upbringing and life experiences that have formed them, and I understand. But others, I just shake my head and think, "What the hell are you thinking!"  I am still looking for sound concrete reasons why people support either candidate. Most, if not all, I read is "Candidate Bashing" and not "Candidate Supporting."  I truly feel many people enjoy hiding behind the anonymity of a keyboard to express their feelings.  If it is a way to release frustration - fine. But, those spreading hate and discontent are not changing anyone's mind. You have the right to say what you feel, up to a point. And I have the right not to listen.
I will anxiously wait and see how long it takes the United States to regain some sense of normalcy. How long will it take for my friends and colleagues to return to normalcy. Yet, I often wonder, "What is normal?" 
 As William Shakespeare said in As You Like It, " All the world is a stage." And this is one play I cannot wait  for the final curtain to drop. 
Until next week,




4 Responses

  1. Anne

    You are right – I agree 100%

    The word ‘normal’ probably isn’t allowed in Scrabble anymore, because it doesn’t mean anything

    Social Media to me, has become a bad cocktail party, and these days, it seems like the bar should have been cut off months ago…..

    Millennials and their apathy ‘I’m not gonna vote man’….


  2. Michael Lambiotte

    Thank you Anne for taking the time to read my article and responding. A I continue to write for the clarksburgpost.com, I will frequently use this blog to carry my words a step further. Another scary point: Remember the Electoral College !

  3. Cindy

    I would love to chat with you about blog. We are on the same page, however, I’m not quite as suspect of Hillary but I’m just too lazy to type it all out….

  4. Michael S.Lambiotte

    Cindy: Always willing to engage in meaningful discussions. You can contact me at [email protected]. If you are close/in Harrison County, WV, our Senior Center has started a book discussion group and a current event discussion group. Stay tuned.